Last year K-Link, the former technical arm of Abhiyan, launched its project "Blood Link" in Kukma, District of Kutch. This initiative enables blood donors and those who need blood to get in contact within seconds. Donors register with the Blood Link database and give their names, telephone numbers and blood groups. If blood is required an sms needs to be send to that database and afterwards a list with possible donors plus telephone numbers will be send back.Kutch News recorded the first presentation of Blood Link. Watch the videos beneath.
Abhiyan is a collective of development organizations based in the District of Kutch (India). The purpose of the network is to synergize human knowledge and physical and financial recources in order to work towards a Kutch which is governed by several communities. Abhiyan encourages self-help development and combines traditional acquirements with new technologies. Moreover, the collective innovates and balances subjects concerning human rights and human responsibilities.
Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan and its members welcome all interested agencies, supporters, followers and also those who have not decided yet.
Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan and its members welcome all interested agencies, supporters, followers and also those who have not decided yet.