In April Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan had to say 'Good Bye' to one of its dedicated fellow employees. Shree Sheetal P. Patel resigned after 9 years working and being committed for the NGO and for the people of Kutch, in order to apply herself to different occupational interests. Sheetal joined Abhiyan in 2002, after the devastating earthquake of 2001. By this time she was especially working in Bhachau taluka, before she associated herself with the Setu programme of Abhiyan in 2005. For Setu she occupied the position of the health coordinator.
Sheetal, the whole Abhiyan staff misses you a lot. But we hope that you enjoy working in a new task field and we wish you the best of luck. Stay the way you are, a sweet and warm person with a heart of gold. Thank you for being with us.