
Abhiyan is a collective of development organizations based in the District of Kutch (India). The purpose of the network is to synergize human knowledge and physical and financial recources in order to work towards a Kutch which is governed by several communities. Abhiyan encourages self-help development and combines traditional acquirements with new technologies. Moreover, the collective innovates and balances subjects concerning human rights and human responsibilities.

Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan and its members welcome all interested agencies, supporters, followers and also those who have not decided yet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Disaster Response in Nagapattinam

When in December 2004 a tsunami hit the shores of south India and Indonesia, the coalition of the organizations, which worked together against the ramifications of the earthquake in Gujarat 2001, applied their combined strength in various spheres of facilitation. The team helped to set up an information desk, while initiating an interface dialogue with the State in order to ensure the transfer of experiences and knowledge. Because of the association of several NGOs, like the Coordination ans Resource Centre (NCRC), the local South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies (SIFFS), SNEHA and the different rehabilitation activities, which were planned and implemented collectively, also in this case of disaster response the cooperation was productive.

In the course of their previous success, members of organizations like Hunnarshala were also invited by the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC), a network of NGOs located in Jakarta, to visit Aceh, Indonesia, where the tsunami caused incredible damages. Besides the opportunity to share the experience on disaster rehabilitation with the local NGOs and the Government, the collaborating organizations from Kutch could also assist in following areas of intervention for promoting owner driven approach:

1. Organizational planning for rehabilitation
2. Semi-permanent and permanent shelter planning and capacity building
3. Coastal and urban planning
4. Livelihood rehabilitation planning